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Keyhole Spy

Keyhole-spy features screen, web camera, keys, application and chat logger


"Keyhole-spy features screen, web camera, keys, application and chat logger"
zagruzit.com Editor: Keyhole Spy reports that a number of aspects of Windows XP desktop is 100% free software.

Desktop agent - Desktop Agent members at regular intervals allows you to view your own desktop screenshots. There are 50 members present screen. If the screen number is exceeded, the old screen is changed. Here is a screenshot you've taken time to accompany.

Webcam Tunnel - Webcam Tunnel members at regular intervals allows you to view images on your own web camera. There are 50 members of the current web camera images. If the number of pictures is exceeded, the old image is replaced. Once you've taken time to accompany each picture.

Keystroke Logger - Keystroke Logger this is written on the keyboard to log all the keys work. Then pre-determined times this web logs keystrokes. Keystroke Logger may not be images of the experimental stage and all the characters properly.

Application Monitor - Monitors the application running on the computer will report recent applications. In addition to these new programs installed programs such as iMesh and Morpheus Peer to Peer contains. Some programs may only contain the name of the report note that the executable.

Daemon Chat - Chat Daemon track of every conversation, a person had using an instant messaging software. Speech, including any number of persons caught in the conversation window contains text. When a new speech after speech the former amount is changed.

Websites Reporter - Web Reporter by this user records all websites visited. Web links as soon as possible so you can go to the site and are ranked by the latest web site displayed visited the old web site. Great web sites automatically after a certain amount by the new ones will be overwritten. Now you can download free Keyhole Spy 1.12.

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